3 Sales Tips to Jumpstart Your Week: Part 16

3 Sales Tips to Jumpstart Your Week: Part 16

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Get your week going with our tips below:

1. Don’t do the Bulk of Your Prospecting During Business Hours

More often than not, you won’t be able to reach the decision maker during the normal 9-5 day. Either call in the morning or after 5 to cut through all the gatekeepers. Remember, a 6 pm voicemail will be the first voicemail received when your prospect gets in the office in the morning and it will be much more probable that he or she will call you back.

(via Business Know How)

2. Be More Memorable than Your Competition

If a prospect suddenly goes dark on you, don’t give up too easily. Spend some pocket money, get creative and buy a fun gift to remind the prospect you’re still there. The trick comes to outshining your competition by going the extra mile and making yourself memorable.

(via Eyes on Sales)

3. Stay on Your Customers’ Radars

Don’t lose touch with your customers after you’ve closed the sale. Keep them in the know about your business with newsletters, social media updates, and emails.

( via Entrepreneur Magazine)

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