3 Sales Tips to Kickstart Your Week

3 Sales Tips to Kickstart Your Week

Each week, we’ll share 3 great sales tips to share with your team from around the blogosphere. These are the tips to get your team motivated this week.

1. Make the most of summer selling: Intensify activity Monday – Wednesday as the summer week is compressed.

Start early, stay late – these are the three days during the week when prospects are most likely to have attention and interest in what you’re offering.

Source: 5 Tips for Better Summer Selling

2. Effective business presentations are focused presentations.

Making a presentation to your colleagues? Think of business presentations not as a venue to discuss details, but a venue to provide a coherent summary. If you try to cover every single detail, you’ll only blow through your audience’s attention span.

Source: 5 Inviolable Rules for Effective Business Communications

3. Stand Up While You’re On the Phone.

This is a good tip for your sales team while they are talking to prospects or for yourself. When you stand up while speaking, you can sound more authoritative. Standing helps you breathe easier, and that comes through in the power of your voice.

Source: 8 Ways to Appear More Authoritative

What sales and management tips have you read about lately? Let us know in the comments!

Extra: 28 more sales tips here!

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