Amazing Service from KissMetrics

Amazing Service from KissMetrics
Matthew Bellows
Matthew Bellows

Matthew Bellows

3 min read0 reads


  1. KissMetrics

We’re testing different reporting packages here at Yesware. We currently use Google Analytics, but are in the market for something easier to use. We tried a local SEO/reporting company (we are in Boston) first. The trial raised all kinds of questions about the way their system tracks page rank and, more troublesomely, the way they communicate with their customers.


So we’re going to give Kissmetrics a try. But between the time I signed up for an account and the time we’re ready to install the tracking code, I’ve lost the code. The Kissmetrics UI on this specific point is hard for me to navigate. So after a bit of clicking around, I write to their Support email address.

5:48pm Hi KM, Can you please tell me where I can find my code? I have to install it on the site and can’t find it from the dashboard. Thanks, Matthew Bellows Yesware

Just over an hour later, I get this back:

Hi Matthew,
It is within the “product center” for your product. The button to get there is in the top right area of the chrome for that product on your dashboard.
Hiten Sent from my iPhone (please excuse the typos)
Ok, I’m focused on my tasks. I don’t know everyone at KissMetrics. There could be lots of people named Hiten… And although I find the link to the code, it’s not that easy, so I write back, trying to be helpful and not mean:
Hi Hiten,
Wow. That’s hard to find… Why is it under the “Yesware Blog CSS Feed Product Center”? heading? Anyway, I got it. Thanks for your help. Matthew

And I send this screenshot:

Kissmetrics dashboard

Less than TWO MINUTES later, still from the Support mailbox, I get this:

Hi Matthew, Thanks for the feedback. We’re redoing a bunch of stuff and plan on making a lot of these things much easier in the near future. Thanks, Hiten KISSmetrics

Nice! I think. Very nice. Then I’m looking around on the web. Interesting stuff. Warm Gun conference looks interesting… Someone from Kissmetrics speaking… WHAT?!??!? The CEO of the Kissmetrics, Hiten Shah, has been answering the support email box. From his iPhone. With the right answer.

Less than a day before giving a talk at a pretty big design conference. I don’t know if we’re going to use the Kissmetrics service. We’re bootstrapping, so $150/month is a lot for us. We have to look at how well the service actually works. But it is outrageously, unqualifiably awesome that their CEO is also, or at least can be,  front line support for trial users of KM’s product . That is setting the bar very high. If Hiten can get the rest of his organization to care about customers half as much as he does, Kissmetrics is going to do very very well.

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