How to Automate Lead Distribution Using Salesforce

How to Automate Lead Distribution Using Salesforce
Justin Kang
Justin Kang

Justin Kang

2 min read0 reads

Despite the growing number of sales-effectiveness tools cropping up in the market, today’s sales teams still spend an inordinate amount of time on manual processes that take time away from prospects.

Lead distribution in particular can be one of the more frustrating time-wasters — for both sales operations pros and reps.

Automating Lead Distribution

Good news: There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Automating your sales process starting with lead distribution will save time and enable your sales team to connect with more prospects, faster. In fact, a recent study on ‘Best Lead Distribution Methods for Optimal Sales Performance’ by Velocify suggests that automated distribution methods can improve response time and lead conversion (87% improvement over manual distribution). A key indicator in determining success of automated lead assignment is the faster response time to interact with your prospect.

One of the most tangible ways auto distribution methods help drive higher conversion rates is by improving the number of leads that are called quickly, in less than five minutes. Overall, auto distribution methods improve the percentage of leads called in less than five minutes by 91% and contact rates by 13%

On that note, here’s how you can implement your own automation strategy in Salesforce.

chart-barNo more manual data entryAuto-sync your emails, calls, and calendars

How You Can Implement Your Own Automation Strategy in Salesforce

 Click Setup then click Customize 


Select Leads, then click Lead Assignment Rules

Salesforce_Customize_Leads_Assignment Rules

Choose New, and give the rule a name.

To create the rule entries, click New. Here you will able to set criteria to distribute leads by geography, company, etc.

If you are more of a YouTube enthusiast, you can learn more about lead assignment rules here.

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